Sunday, June 21, 2009

Less than 20 days. scary. exciting.

I did some upgrades this week. I decided to get new pedals. I have both road and mtb. I decided to get new mtb ones. I figured the weight is not that much more, they are more comfy for me, and make time off the saddle in them more enjoyable. we will see if that is a good more bad decision in the weeks ahead.

I also decided to get new mtb shoes. My curret ones bug the hell out of my right foot. After searching a good 21 plus stores. I found a pair at the place where I bought my bike a good 3 years ago, and where I received bad bike work 3 weeks ago. However, I was assisted by the person who sold me my bike, a female named Jessica. I really did not have many shoe options. My right foot arc seems to be pretty high, while my left foot arch seems to be falling slightly. So. I needed wide shoes with a very high arch. Shoes after shoes, brand after brand I was having no luck. I either was falling out of the mens heel cup, not fitting into a female heel cup, not able to ratchet any shoe shut except the 400 dollar models that have more advance adjustments. i narrowed it down to two different shoes, at two different bike shops, 46 miles away from each other. Female shoes (basicaly so they looked cool), ratchet, and not black were the qualities I wanted to find in a shoe. Belive it or not, im okay with the ones I got. They are black, mens and have no ratchet.

I orginally set out for road pedals, road shoes, and a giro atmos helmet. came home with not road shoes, and not road pedals. So of course I did not come home with a atomos helmet either. I had saved soo much money already on the pedals and shoes that fit. That I came across the specialized S works helmet that is lighter than the atomos and at 70% off. Now. Helmets were all 30% off in the store and Specialized were on a one day sale of 40%, so combined it was 70% off! Now, that's what im talking about. Granted, when i used to pedal a bike 10 hrs at work, I hated the S-works I was handed and chose to wear my bell slant. reasoning. it had a better pony tail whole. I guess i can make a sacrifice for 70% off. I also had to get a ugly color. So my helmet is not the color I wanted, nor the shoes, nor the pedals. but life goes on. :)
I saved alot of Cash by making comprises.

20 days. dont forget to donate now :) rider Megan East

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  1. Your shoes and helmet look great, even if they aren't want you were looking for. I agree that saving that cash was the right choice! You'll use it for some great experience on the road!
